Active Project

Cote D’Ivoire

National Executing Agency: CARE

DGM Cote d’Ivoire has made substantial strides in project implementation, specifically around microproject selection, capacity building, awareness raising, and IPLC leadership. To ensure an equitable and transparent microproject selection process, the NEA established a regional technical committee to pre-select microproject proposals. This committee was composed of representatives from the Forest Development Company (SODEFUR), Ivorian Office of Parks and Reserves (OIPR), National Agency for Support to Rural Development (ANANDER), Malebi Association, and the Ivorian Observatory for the Management of Natural Resources (OIREN). Upon the pre-selection of microprojects, feasibility studies were conducted on 205 microproject proposals. The final selection and approval were conducted by the NSC.

  • A total of 6,642 expressions of interest were received from 8 project regions. This resulted in the selection of 55 microprojects, 37 of which are collective projects and 18 are individual projects with a total of 941 people benefitting from the microprojects (33% women). Of the 55 projects, 21 are food crop microprojects, 8 agroforestry (food crop and planting), 16 livestock projects, 3 goods and services projects, and 7 reforestation projects.

    Over the past year, the project also centered its efforts on providing training on monitoring and evaluation (M&E), gender, safeguards, and agroforestry and tree planting. Of the 212 participants, 30% were women. To ensure accessible and inclusive communications, the project partnered with 8 local radio stations for the project’s activity coverage.

    In the coming year, DGM Cote d’Ivoire plans to increase the participation of women in microproject proposal development by designing quotas for women-led projects, digitalize the GRM, enhance understanding of microproject preparation, provide continued training, and support NSC decision-making.

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DGM members receiving practical training in beekeeping. © DGM Cote d’Ivoire

DGM Cote D’Ivoire Facts