Global Learning and Knowledge Exchange Project (Global Project) 

Over the last year, DGM Global made key progress across project components including returning to in-person engagements. DGM Global held its first in-person GSC meeting since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2022, in Cote d’Ivoire. In addition to the GSC meeting, an NEA meeting and field visit were held. As activities slowly return to in-person, DGM Global continued to provide knowledge exchange and learning opportunities remotely to DGM stakeholders. Storytelling and the use of visual media continues to be prominent across the globe. To support IPLC storytelling, a virtual training was organized to share practical skills on video as a communications tool.

The first cohort of fellows closed out fellowship activities and reached milestones in November 2021. Their fellowship culminated with virtual dialogues, a presentation, and a reflection session. The lessons learned and feedback they shared were then incorporated into the second call for DGM Global fellows in January 2022. Of the over 60 interest forms received, DGM Global announced the selection of 12 fellows in April 2022.

Burkinabe DGM Global Fellow, Apollinaire Zongo, engaging in the Indigenous Peoples Caucus preceeding COP 27, hosted in Egypt. © Lidiane Castro

DGM GSC members, WB staff, and GEA staff group photo at the 8th annual GSC meeting in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. © Lidiane Castro

Global Steering Committee Members and DGM Global Fellows gather in Egypt for COP27. © Lidiane Castro

The twelve Indigenous and local community representatives from Burkina Faso, Mexico, Brazil, Cote d’Ivoire, Mozambique, and Nepal, were selected after a thorough review and rating of their proposals by the selection committee made up of representatives from CIF, WB, CI, and the GSC. A common thread across fellow’s projects is the focus on community enterprises, innovation, and production.  

In the international climate policy arena, DGM Global continues to be actively engaged in UNFCCC LCIPP (Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform). Over the past year, DGM Global participated in LCIPP Facilitative Working Group meetings and trainings and coordinated actively with partners such as International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC). DGM team has supported the engagement of DGM GSC members and project implementers participate in LCIPP meetings with information on key topics to include in the implementation of the LCIPP work plan. DGM members have been critical contributors to the discussion on topics related to indigenous knowledge exchange.