DGM Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Over the past year, DGM DRC’s most significant achievements include the implementation of microprojects, literacy training for IPLCs, adoption and senate approval of the law on the promotion and protection of Indigenous Pygmy peoples.
As well as socioeconomic surveys in the Nkahangi forest of Bobanda village in Bikoro territory, 10th NSC meetings, and the perpetual title of the forest concession for local communities in Penzua Bolomni, in the Pendjwa sector, Kiri territory in the Maï-Ndombe Province.
The adoption and senate approval of the law on the promotion and protection of Indigenous Pygmy peoples was achieved through capacity building for the collective of Parliamentarians in defense of the rights of Indigenous peoples, recourse to experts at the subregional and international levels for technical input, establishing a task force of experts, and direct contact with offices of different chambers of parliament.
National Executing Agency: Caritas Congo
⇢To learn more about DGM DRC, visit www.dgmglobal.org/drc and www.peuplesautochtones.cd.

26 NSC Members
6 approved subprojects

To obtain the first title of community and local forestry concession in the Kiri territory of Maï-Ndombe, meetings were held to validate the drafts of the Local Community Forest Concession (CFCL) application by members for the management and governance bodies.
To obtain the first title of community and local forestry concession in the Kiri territory of Maï-Ndombe, meetings were held to validate the drafts of the Local Community Forest Concession (CFCL) application by members for the management and governance bodies.
Meetings were also held to share information on the CFCL process and progress with the territorial administration (sector and/or chiefdoms).
In addition, capacity building workshops were held, as well as coaching sessions for members of CFCL/APAC governing and management bodies, identification of the community requesting the CFCL, and lastly the official presentation of the title.