Looking Ahead

In 2020, the world changed dramatically and despite the uncertainty and the impacts of COVID-19, the efforts to face this unprecedented crisis have made us stronger by teaching us how to transform our vulnerabilities into resilience.

As we face one of the planet’s last opportunities to address the climate crisis, community-led solutions are helping us move forward with holistic adaptive approaches that are in harmony with nature. Community-led solutions are needed now more than ever, and the results experienced through the DGM are demonstrating that climate action cannot be achieved without solidarity, equity, and inclusion.

With over 600 IPLC-designed and led subgrants in nine countries and with some country projects reaching their end dates, it is now more important than ever that these subgrants and results achieved do not come to a halt at project closure but rather, are sustained and expanded.

By being projects for and from IPLCs, the hope is that they will continue independently of country project timelines, given that they were designed by community members based on their collective interests and needs.

DGM is starting a new phase where country projects like Peru, Burkina Faso, and Brazil are wrapping up with exciting results and valuable lessons learned that are informing not only DGM projects but the whole climate and conservation community. The results will help us prepare, adapt, and find more opportunities to support continuation and scale up of successful community-led initiatives.

Allocated | Approved FIP | World Bank Start | End
Global Learning and Knowledge Exchange 5.0 | 5.0 6/28/2014 | 3/3/2015 6/15/2015 | 3/31/2020
Phase 2 of the Global Learning and Knowledge Exchange 3.0 |2.3 12/2019 | 7/24/2020 4/1/2020 | 12/31/2022
Brazil 6.5 | 6.5 6/18/2015 | 3/3/2015 6/29/2015 | 1/31/20222
Burkina Faso 4.5 | 4.5 6/18/2015 | 9/16/2015 10/13/2015 | 6/30/2021
Peru 5.5 | 5.5 5/21/2015 | 9/11/2015 11/26/2015 | 6/25/2021
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6.0 | 6.0 6/3/2015 | 4/8/2016 6/21/2016 | 7/31/2022
Indonesia 6.5 | 6.5 12/30/2016 | 3/16/2017 6/22/2017 | 11/30/20223
Ghana 5.5 | 5.5 9/12/2016 | 4/26/2017 8/18/2017 | 11/30/2021
Mexico 6.0 | 6.0 5/22/2017 | 9/15/2017 12/21/2017 | 8/1/20234
Mozambique 4.5 | 4.5 8/22/2016 | 12/5/2017 2/1/2018 | 2/28/2023
Cote d’Ivoire 4.5 | 4.5 3/1/20195 | 1/20/2020 8/28/2020 | 4/30/2024
Republic of the Congo 4.5 | 4.5 NA | NA 7/1/2021 | 3/31/2026
Nepal 4.5 | 4.5 5/24/2021 | NA NA | NA
Guatemala 4.5 | 4.5 12/16/2021 | NA NA | NA
Ecuador 4.5 | 0 Project canceled as of June 2019
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 4.5 | 0 Project canceled as of October 2017
TOTAL 80.0 | 70.3


As of 12/2021, DGM has a total of 600+ projects in 8 countries, and many more to come. Subprojects are just one modality of access to climate finance. DGM also supports capacity building, governance, and targeted support. The below table represents 8 of the 12 country projects.

Brazil 64 2,480,905 38,754
Burkina Faso 85 2,342,382 29,280
Indonesia 49 3,266,555 66,664
Peru 98 3,945,269 40,258
Mexico 90 2,828,900 31,432
Ghana 219 2,650,055 12,500
DRC 6 380,720 60,120
Mozambique 17 1,310,797 87,386
OVERALL 628 17,097,583 27,225